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2 September 2012 Support to World Press Congress

World Press Congress Opens Window of Opportunities for Ukraine

Ukraine should become a more active player in the global information environment, argued Dmitry Firtash, Head of the Board of Directors Group DF at a ceremonial opening of the 64th World Press Congress and 19th World Editors Forum taking place in Kiev on September 2 through 5, 2012.

The convention has gathered about 1000 owners and chief editors of printed media from 85 countries. The list of delegates arriving to express their solidarity with Ukrainian independent press and to share their experience with the international newspaper community includes senior representatives of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, UK’s The Times, The Guardian, Canada’s The Toronto Star and many other leading editions.

Group DF is the main sponsor of the World Press Congress. “This convention is a remarkable event in the global media industry,” said Mr. Firtash. “It is extremely important for Ukraine to understand and feel the modern world. And I am positive that the Congress will help Ukraine learn this world better while the world, in turn, will discover Ukraine, will find out more about its rich culture, centuries-old history and powerful economic potential of Europe’s largest state,” added the businessman.

According to Mr. Firtash, the printed and electronic media today know no boundaries and it really matters for the Ukrainian business what the press writes about Ukraine and what impression these stories produce: “The very fact that this traditional convention of key players in  the global media arena is hosted by Kiev proves that Ukraine is interesting for the world and the international community is interested in the media industry of the largest country in Europe,” stressed the Head of the Board of Directors Group DF.

The World Press Congress is organized by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) uniting over 18000 editions, 15000 information web-resources and 3000 publishing companies in more than 120 countries across 5 continents. Originally, the Association, representing interests of printed media was founded in 1948.


WAN-IFRA is an official printed media advisor to UNESCO, UN and the Council of Europe. Its major objective is advocacy and promotion of freedom of press and economic independence of newspapers as a key precondition for such freedom, as well as fostering professional media networking.

The World Press Congress has been run on an annual basis since 1948, i.e. since the organization’s inception. The first Congress in the ex-USSR countries was held in Russia in 2006. That gathering was attended by over 1700 delegates from 112 countries. The then-President of Russia Vladimir Putin spoke at the Congress opening ceremony. A welcoming address by the hosting country leaders has become a traditional practice of holding World Press Congresses.

Each year, a “Golden Feather of Freedom” award is presented during the World Press Congress in acknowledgement of the winner’s contribution into the promotion of freedom of press. This award also pursues a goal of raising public awareness about the winners in order to protect them against potential threats they may face in performing their professional duties.
  • This year, the 64th World Press Congress was hosted in Kiev
  • Dmitry Firtash, Head of the Board of Directors Group DF addresses the Congress and Forum delegates
  • Alexander Popov, Kyiv city Mayor and Dmitry Firtash, Head of the Board of Directors Group DF at the cocktail reception organized in Sofia historic and architectural conservancy area
  • Alexander Popov, Kyiv city Mayor
  • Dmitry Firtash, Head of the Board of Directors Group DF at the cocktail reception
  • Dmitry Firtash, Head of the Board of Directors Group DF welcomes guests to the cocktail reception
  • Borys Krasnyansky, Group DF CEO and Ganna Bezliudna, Group DF Director for External Relations and Communications
  • Mr. Jacob Mathew, President of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) addresses the Congress and Forum delegates
  • Each year, editors-in-chief from across the globe convene to discuss the status of the press market
  • The 19 World Editors Forum gathered in Kiev senior representatives of world leading editions including The Financial Times
  • Tobias Trevisan, General Director Faz-Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Gmbh and Borys Krasnyansky, Group DF CEO