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28 December 2013 Group DF

Dmitry Firtash Congratulated Group DF Employees With Christmas Holidays

The Chairman of the Group DF Supervisory Council, President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash congratulated the staff of the Group DF enterprises with the New Year 2014 and Christmas.
“Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year 2014 and Merry Christmas! These holidays are special for each of us. We summarize and make plans for the future. May the coming year be the time of dreams come true, time of hope and changes for the better. I wish the coming year will bring a taste of victory, confidence in a chosen way, strength and energy for new achievements”, said Dmitry Firtash.
According to the Group DF owner, tasks that professionals of Group DF are working at are highly significant not only for individual companies and industries, but also for the economy of the state. Dmitry Firtash wished employees professional success, and wished their families welfare and peace.
“I wish you good health, success, happiness and prosperity! Let your life be full of peace and love! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas”, said Dmitry Firtash in his greeting.