19 March 2013 Federation of Employers of Ukraine. Promotion of Enterprise
FEU Has Compiled Registry of Inspecting Agencies
The Federation of Employers of Ukraine has finished compiling theNational Registry of Inspecting Agencies and will present it in the nearest future. On the basis of the Register Federation will initiate inspecting agencies and checksreduction, said President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash in Zaporizhzhya during the meeting with heads and owners of over 200 largest and medium-sized enterprises and leadership of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration."One large industrial enterprise can be potentially checked by about 60 different government agencies during a year. Some of them come for several times. This fact can even cause a production stop, and enterprises are forced to stand by because of audits", – said Dmitry Firtash.
According to the FEU, in 2012 in Ukraine only central authorities performed 1 million 113 thousand inspections. Of these, 67,500 ended with decisions about termination, suspension or restriction of economic activity.
"Federation of Employers of Ukraine intends to reduce the number of inspections and thereby reduce the cost of business administration. For this, we have prepared a draft National Register of InspectingAgencies and will soon present it publicly. The government supportsthis project", – announced Dmitry Firtash.
President of the FEU stressed that business has no clear understanding of how many inspecting agencies may audit companies. "Registry of InspectingAgencies will give us an opportunity to talk about the optimizingof their number and powers," - said President of the FEU. According to him, in 10-15 days the Registry will be transferred to the government. "Every entrepreneur should understand who and how many times can auditenter prises", – said Dmitry Firtash.