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President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash


President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash

  • President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash and Prime-Minister of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Mr. Anatoliy Moguilev
  • President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash
  • Dmitry Firtash and Prime-Minister of Crimea Anatoliy Moguilev meet with Crimean entrepreneurs
  • President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash
  • FEU Vice-presidents Anna Bezliudnaya and Alexey Miroshnichenko, Chairman of the Union of Industrialists, Entrepreneurs and Agrarians Alexander Batalin
  • Dmitry Firtash and Prime-Minister of Crimea Anatoliy Moguilev meet with Crimean entrepreneurs
  • President of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmitry Firtash