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19 February 2014 Address by Dmitry Firtash

Address by Dmitry Firtash To the Political Forces of Ukraine

In the past 24 hours, Ukraine has approached  a state of  civil war as close as never before. The Federation of Employers of Ukraine and I personally stand for an entirely peaceful resolution of the political crisis. The use of force by either party is unacceptable. Politicians, whether representing the opposition or the government, influence the making of decisions determining the developments in Ukraine. Politicians are obliged to return to  Parliament and to address the matter in a civilized manner as required under the law. It is precisely the politicians who bear responsibility for finding the way out of the crisis. People are dying out in the streets of Ukrainian cities. This is absolutely intolerable. And it does not matter who these people are – whether law enforcement officers or protesters: they all are citizens of Ukraine. We must unite all our efforts to end the bloodshed. We are against radical actions, no matter who commits them.
Ukraine is a young, yet  strong and united country.  Ukrainian business is absolutely against any processes capable of disintegrating the nation. We stand for  a strong country, for its economic and social progression, for the growth of its citizens’ well-being. All of this can only be achieved in times of peace.
Public unrest going on in the streets weakens the nation and may bring about irreversible consequences. The Federation of Employers of Ukraine calls upon all political forces urging them to cease the armed stand-off and to find the way to resolve the crisis within Parliament.